Families Living with AIDS Care Center is here to help those who are living with AIDS, better their lives to the best of their abilities, and to give support where understanding and guidance is needed. Families Living with Aids has a care center that is based in Hemet, CA where families and individuals who are infected and affected from the virus can attain assistance, such as, support groups, transportation to doctor’s appointments, cash for living expenses, and clothing. In addition to services for clients, FLACC assists the surrounding communities by administering free HIV testing and advocating HIV and AIDS awareness. This is done through a mobile testing unit, teaming up with the Riverside County Department of Health; Together, striving to reach and connect with as many people as possible in the Mid and Southern Region of Riverside County and San Bernardino County, California.
FLACC was founded in 2004 by Curtis Smith and his wife Pauletta Smith who were inspired to create the organization because of their first-hand experiences, living with HIV. Shortly after founding, Paulette Smith died from complications of HIV. Despite his adversities over the years, Curtis Smith had gradually picked up the courage and audaciousness to continue on with the legacy of Families Living with Aids Care Center to fill the gabs in care and advocacy as a resource for families affected by HIV or AIDS. In addition, Curtis Smith has been involved with helping other HIV service organizations in the community where he’s an appointed official of the Inland Empire HIV Planning Counsel as secretary, and the California Planning Group governed by the State office of AIDs.
FLACC, as an AIDS services organization and an HIV community based organization focuses on linkage to care and case management as a primary support for the community, while providing specialized programs for mental support, social support, financial support, nutritional and hygiene support, and providing transportation for medical appointments. FLACC is a family fostering encouragement and empowerment to the community and those affected by HIV or AIDS, ensuring they can live their lives to the best of their abilities.